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Policy Platform 


Keep Our Community Safe and Support Law Enforcement

Public safety is the utmost critical need of our community. I support full funding of police and firefighters, and improved emergency medical service. I will work every day to ensure San Clemente residents are provided robust public safety efforts. 

Ensure Financial Sustainability and Responsible Spending

I will exercise great fiscal prudence to keep our city financially healthy. My goal is to achieve a budget surplus through a combination of economic development and lean budgeting. The excess funds will then be used to reduce our debt and to increase our financial reserve for critical future needs. I will always be an advocate for you, the taxpayer, ensuring taxes and fees are as low as possible, and that tax dollars are spent wisely, not frivolously. 

Preserve Our Small Town Character

Our Spanish Village by the Sea is defined by its architectural heritage, coastal lifestyle, and village character. As an architect, land use planner, and 20-year resident of San Clemente, I deeply understand and appreciate our city for its unique living experience. As a Planning Commissioner, Design Review Subcommittee and Coastal Advisory Committee member for six years with an excellent attendance record and active participation, I have worked tirelessly to preserve the character of our small town. I promise to continue to be your trusted protector of our beautiful city.

Address Homelessness with a Regional Approach and Compassion

I support a regional homeless emergency shelter for South County in a relatively central location, or in an unincorporated county area. I oppose the regional shelter to be in San Clemente. I will try to work with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, the County, and other cities to develop a regional policy on anti-camping ordinance and its enforcement so our beaches, streets, and parks can be safe and clean. I will push the County to take the leadership and responsibility it should take for this regional problem, and make our city a ready partner to solve this issue with compassion.

I will prioritize homelessness prevention and continue the homeless outreach program to get people out of the situation. Collaborate with the County and nonprofit organizations to connect the homeless population to reunification with families, mental health treatment, substance addiction treatment, sheltering/housing, and other social services needed.

Fund Critical Sand Projects

Our beaches are the biggest recreational and economic asset. I will ensure that our beaches are clean, safe, and replenished. I will prioritize city resources to fund the 50-year US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) sand nourishment and replenishment project between Linda Lane and T-street. Also, add sand to North Beach when sand and funding are available.

As a certified planner and former planning commissioner, once elected, I will seek to serve on the OCTA Board to participate in the decision-making process, and to work with the staff there to protect any at-risk railway asset with sand replenishment as an integrated part of its solution in San Clemente. Also, I will study the design solution with the beach trail included and funded by the OCTA project. Furthermore, I will pursue the OCTA fund to replace the Pedestrian Alert Warning System (PAWS) to improve the safety of railway crossings. I will work with the rest of the council and the city manager to aggressively seek grants from other federal, state, and regional agencies to supplement the funding needs.

The people of San Clemente will decide on the sales tax increase for sand projects. If it passes, I will direct the administration to implement robust citizen oversight and financial audit programs to ensure that the money is being spent properly and responsibly.

Paid for by Wu for City Council 2024, ID#1463790
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